We recognise that navigating the NDIS while your child is in
the hospital can be challenging.
NDIS supports while in hospital:
NDIS usually does not fund supports for participants while
they are admitted to hospital. There are some exceptions to this, for example
if your child has specific communication or behavioural support needs.
NDIS Example:
Abdul has autism. He had severe pain in his stomach and went
to the emergency department at his local hospital. The doctor said the pain was
from appendicitis. Abdul stayed in hospital to get his appendix removed.
Abdul’s support worker took Abdul’s communication and
behaviour support plan to the hospital. The support worker helped to get Abdul
settled and explained Abdul’s communication and support needs to the hospital
staff. The hospital staff followed Abdul’s care plans and provided his personal
care while he was in hospital.
After the surgery Abdul stayed overnight and
left hospital the next day. Over the next few days Abdul had a check-up with
his doctor. A nurse also visited him at home to check his wound and give him
antibiotics. Abdul’s local health system provided these services.
Further information can be found here What help can you get through the health system or other
services? | NDIS
NDIS supports for safe discharge
Sometimes, for RCH inpatients to be safely discharged home,
they need either:
- access to NDIS supports for the first time, or
- a review of their existing NDIS supports.
NDIS Health Liaison Officers can assist with this. Further
information about NDIS and hospital discharge can be found here: Hospital discharge | NDIS